
Vitamin D and progression of carotid intima-media thickness in HIV-positive Canadians

Based on a growing body of evidence implicating low vitamin D status in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD), we hypothesized that in Canadian HIV-positive adults, low 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration would be associated with increased subclinical vascular disease progression.

We prospectively studied the relationship between baseline 25(OH)D and subsequent progression of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) between 2002 and 2011, in the Canadian HIV Vascular Study using stored blood specimens.

Of the 128 participants, 89.1% were men, the mean age (standard deviation [SD]) was 46.5 (8.2) years, 93.8% were white, and 36.7% were current smokers. Mean (SD) annual CIMT follow-up was 5.9 (1.8) years (maximum 8.5 years), providing approximately 750 patient-years of follow-up. Mean (SD) CIMT progression was 0.027 (0.030) mm/year. Mean (SD) 25(OH)D was 95.0 (46.9) nmol/L. Only 13.3% of participants were vitamin D deficient (25(OH)D
Baseline 25(OH)D was associated with CIMT progression in this relatively vitamin D replete, predominately white and male, Canadian HIV-positive population. Future research needs to establish causality as this may warrant more targeted screening or supplementation.


Title of abstract:
Vitamin D and progression of carotid intima-media thickness in HIV-positive Canadians

H Huff, AT Merchant, E Lonn, E Pullenayegum, F Smaill and M Smieja


HIV Medicine


DOI: 10.1111/hiv.12563
