
Intravenous vitamin C in the supportive care of cancer patients: a review and rational approach

This article reviews intravenous vitamin C (IV C) in cancer care and offers a rational approach to enable medical oncologists and integrative practitioners to safely provide IV C combined with oral vitamin C to patients. The use of IV C is a safe supportive intervention to decrease inflammation in the patient and to improve symptoms related to antioxidant deficiency, disease processes, and side effects of standard cancer treatments. A proposed rationale, together with relevant clinical safety considerations for the application of IV C in oncologic supportive care, is provided.

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Title of abstract:
Intravenous vitamin C in the supportive care of cancer patients: a review and rational approach

E. Klimant, MD, H. Wright, ND, D. Rubin, ND, D. Seely, ND, M.Sc.,and M. Markman, MD


Current Oncology


Curr Oncol. 2018 Apr; 25(2): 139–148.
